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Understanding Assets on Counterparty

With Counterparty, users can create their own assets (also known as "tokens", "coins" or "currencies") inside the Bitcoin blockchain. These are seperate from Bitcoin the currency itself, but exist entirely inside ordinary Bitcoin transactions. Tokens can be received, stored, and sent from any Bitcoin address to any other. They can also be placed in cold storage. Unlike Colored Coins, Counterparty tokens are not tied to the BTC balance of any given address. This means that sending/receiving bitcoins has no effect on the balance of tokens.

Among other features, Counterparty adds the ability create, send, trade, and pay distributions on assets, in a fully decentralized and trustless manner. While Counterparty has its own internal currency (XCP), trading and creating assets does not require anything apart from regular Bitcoin transaction fees.

Creating assets

Counterparty allows users to issue assets. An asset that is created within the Counterparty protocol is often called a user-created token. User-created tokens are just as real as XCP or even BTC. With the asset issuance function, every user has the ability to create a new currency project inside the Bitcoin and Counterparty ecosystem.

You can create two different types of assets:

  1. Named: A unique string of 4 to 12 uppercase Latin characters (inclusive) not beginning with ‘A’. Alphabetic tokens carry a one‐time issuance fee of 0.5 XCP to discourage spam and squatting. This fee is burned (permanently taken out of circulation). BTC and XCP are the only three‐character asset names. For more information, see the Assets section in the Counterparty specification.

  2. Numeric (Free): An integer between 26^12 + 1 and 256^8 (inclusive), prefixed with A. Numeric assets only require one Bitcoin transaction fee to be created.

The different kinds of assets

The most basic kind of asset must specify:

  • who is issuing it (source)
  • the name of the asset (asset)
  • how much of asset is being issued (quantity)
  • a description of asset (description)

It is possible to issue more of asset, but, at any one time, there can only be one address which issues asset. With that said, the Counterparty protocol allows source to transfer issuance rights of asset. Moreover, an asset can also be locked, so that there can be no further issuances of it. (See the instructions on how to do this with counterparty-wallet). A description must always be included, even if description is just an empty string; the syntax of an asset with no description is description="". Beyond creating the most basic asset, it is also possible to make assets either divisible or callable. If an asset is made divisible (or callable) upon its initial issuance, it must always be divisible (or callable) with every issuance thereafter. A divisible user-created asset is, like, Bitcoin and XCP, divisible up to 8 decimal places. A callable asset is an asset which the issuer can call back (i.e. repurchase) from its owners at a date (call-date) and for a price (call-price) specified at the initial issuance.

Sending assets (send)

To send an asset in Counterparty, one must specify:

  • who is sending the asset (source)
  • what asset source is sending (asset)
  • how much of asset source is sending (quantity)
  • to whom source is sending quantity of asset (destination)

Paying distributions on assets

It is possible to distribute funds proportionally among asset holders using the distribution function. This feature is also also known as dividend payments, depending on their desired purpose. Distributions are paid in in any distribution_asset to everyone who holds the asset in proportion to how many units he holds; specifically: Let total equal the total distribution paid out, and quantity be the total amount of asset, then: quantity-per-unit = total/quantity

Distributions can be paid out to any assets that you ownership and control over. You can freely select the currency in which distributions are to be paid out: BTC, XCP, or any other user-created asset.

Trading on the decentralized exchange

Counterparty supports peer-to-peer asset exchange: users can trade assets with no middleman and no counterparty risk. The platform upon which trading is done is Counterparty’s decentralized exchange and the Bitcoin blockchain. In what follows trading on the decentralized exchange will be detailed and explained by means of examples. For the purposes of the following use-cases:

  • “ordern” denotes the nth order in time, give_asset n denotes the asset being given in the order, etc.
  • Sally’s creates order1 and Alice creates order2
  • give_asset2 = get_asset1

Creating an order

At its most basic level, a trade on Counterparty’s decentralized exchange consists of two orders, which are matched by the protocol. When Sally is constructing her order, she must specify:

  • her address (source1)
  • the asset she will give (give_asset1)
  • the quantity of give_asset1 she will give (give_quantity1)
  • the asset she will get (get_asset)
  • the quantity of get_asset1 she will get (get_quantity)
  • how long before her order expires (expiration1)

Protocol-based trustless escrow

The Counterparty protocol acts as an escrow service, and thereby eliminates counterparty risk from the exchange of assets. Once Sally publishes her order give_quantity1 of give_asset1 is debited from her address; her address is debited before her order is matched with Alice’s, and so she cannot spend those funds before expiration1 passes, i.e. until her order expires. In the meantime, Sally’s funds are not lost or borrowed, they are held by the protocol itself. If another order is placed which satisfies Sally’s order, the protocol matches them, and sends each counterparty its respective funds.

Automatic order matching on the Bitcoin blockchain

give_quantity1 / get_quantity1 is the "ratio" in which Sally will exchange give_asset1 for get_asset1, and is denoted by ratio1. In order for two orders to be matched, ratio1 must always be’‘greater than or equal’’ to the inverse of ratio2, Thus, if, for example ratio2 (give_quantity1 + 1) / get_quantity1would be high enough ratio to match Sally’s bet, but ifratio2 =(quantity2 - 1) / quantity2it would not. Having been matched, the exchange is always made atratio1`. Further, when when an order is matched, the exchange is always settled as much as it can be.

A straightforward case

Suppose that Alice places order2 before expiration1 which matches order1 perfectly: give_quantity2 == get_quantity1 get_quantity2 == give_quantity1. Once Alice has made her order, the protocol debits quantity2 of asset2 from her address, and, since her order satisfies Sally’s, Alice’s order funds are sent to Alice, and Sally’s order funds are sent to Alice. This completes the trade between Alice and Sally.

Matching an order: partially fulfilling an order

For the following example, let give_quantity1 = 10 and get_quantity1 = 20, and that neither give_asset1 nor get_asset1 is BTC. Suppose that Alice wants to match Sally’s order, does not want all 10 of give_asset; rather, she only wants 8.

Since the ratio1 == 10/20 == 1/2, Alice must ratio2 >= 2/1, to match Sally’s order. In other words Alice must offer ‘’at least’‘16 of asset_2 to get 8 of asset_1 from Sally’s order. Let’s say Alice constructs order2 such that give_quantity2 == 18 and hence ratio2 = 18/8 > 2/1. The order will be settled at ratio1: for every unit of give_asset1 that Sally gives Alice, she will get two units of get_asset1. Moreover, since every trade is settled as much and give_quantity2 == 18 Sally will receive’‘18’’ get_asset1 in exchange for 9 give_asset1.

Trading BTC on the Decentralized Exchange

Suppose Sally makes an order to trade asset in exchange for BTC, and Alice makes an order to trade BTC in exchange for asset. Upon placing order1, Sally’s account is immediately debited, as usual, and, once Alice has placed order2, it is matched with order1. However, her BTC is not debited from her account, and the protocol will not send her Sally’s XCP until Alice sends her BTC using Counterparty’s btcpay function. If Alice sends the BTC using btcpay in ‘’fewer than 10 blocks’’, the protocol will send her the XCP and thereby complete the transaction, otherwise, the trade expires, and the protocol will re-credit Sally’s address with give_asset.