How to send Counterparty assets in bulk
Below is a script for constructing, signing and broadcasting a large number of sends efficiently. It assumes that the source addresses are in a (temporarily) unlocked Bitcoin Core wallet, to which a running instance of counterpartyd is connected.
This script takes a single command-line argument of the CSV file from which to pull the sources, destinations, quantities, assets and fees.
Warning: This example is outdated as it used the previous addrindex bitcoin branch, however, same principles apply to current mainline repo.
import csv
import sys
from counterpartylib.lib import util
from counterpartylib.lib import config
from counterpartylib.lib.backend import addrindex
config.BACKEND_URL = 'http://user:password@localhost:4000'
config.TESTNET = False
def counterparty_api(method, params):
return util.api(method, params)
def bitcoin_api(method, params):
return addrindex.rpc(method, params)
def do_send(source, destination, asset, quantity, fee, encoding):
validateaddress = bitcoin_api('validateaddress', [source])
assert validateaddress['ismine']
pubkey = validateaddress['pubkey']
unsigned_tx = counterparty_api('create_send', {'source': source, 'destination': destination, 'asset': asset, 'quantity': quantity, 'pubkey': pubkey, 'allow_unconfirmed_inputs': True})
signed_tx = bitcoin_api('signrawtransaction', [unsigned_tx])['hex']
tx_hash = bitcoin_api('sendrawtransaction', [signed_tx])
return tx_hash
with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
print('{}|{}|{}'.format('linenum', 'input', 'result'))
for row in reader:
if reader.line_num == 1:
source, destination, asset, quantity, fee = row
fee, quantity = int(fee), int(quantity)
tx_hash = do_send(source, destination, asset, quantity, fee, 'opreturn')
except Exception as e:
tx_hash = str(e)
print('{}|{}|{}'.format(reader.line_num, ','.join(row), tx_hash))
CSV File
All quantities are specified in satoshis. The format of the CSV file is as follows:
source,destination,asset,quantity,fee mtQheFaSfWELRB2MyMBaiWjdDm6ux9Ezns,mtQheFaSfWELRB2MyMBaiWjdDm6ux9Ezns,XCP,100000000,150 mtQheFaSfWELRB2MyMBaiWjdDm6ux9Ezns,mtQheFaSfWELRB2MyMBaiWjdDm6ux9Ezns,XCP,200000000,100
Use this script on a system with counterparty-core
installed and in the PYTHONPATH
. (If using a Federated Node, this is possible by issuing the command fednode shell counterparty
or fednode shell counterparty-testnet
as appropriate, and using the script in that shell.)
If the CSV file with the data is called input.csv, and the script is
called, then call this script with
$ python3 input.csv