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API v1 ChangeLog

This section documents any changes to the v1 API, for version numbers where there were API-level modifications.

There will be no incompatible API pushes that do not either have:

  • A well known set cut over date in the future
  • Or, a deprecation process where the old API is supported for an amount of time


  • Added P2SH support and MPMA support:
    • Explanation of the new array parameters for create_send
    • Explanation of the new p2sh_pretx_txid parameter
    • Example to sign the new kind of P2SH transaction


  • create_*: adds extended_tx_info parameter to create methods


  • No changes


  • create_send: Added memo, memo_is_hex and use_enhanced_send parameters
  • get_sends: Added support for memo and memo_hex filters
  • get_sends: Returns memo and memo_hex in the search results


  • create_issuance: subassets longname are supported in the asset parameter


  • Add min_message_index to get_blocks API call


  • Added getrawtransaction and getrawtransaction_batch methods to the API
  • Added optional custom_inputs parameter to API calls, which allows for controlling the exact UTXOs to use in transactions (contributed by Tokenly)


  • Deprecated get_asset_info(assets) API method. Use get_issuances() and get_supply() instead.
  • Deprecated get_xcp_supply() API method in favor of get_supply(asset).
  • Changed get_unspent_txouts API method parameter and return values.
  • Added HTTP Rest API.
  • Authentication on JSON‐RPC API is off by default
  • rpc_password configuration parameter is no longer mandatory


  • The do_*, sign_tx and broadcast_tx methods have been completely deprecated. See the section Wallet Integration.
  • Added REST API.


  • *_issuance: callable, call_date and call_price are no longer valid parameters
  • *_callback: removed
  • Bitcoin addresses may everywhere be replaced by pubkeys.
  • The API will no longer search the local wallet for pubkeys, so they must be passed to the API manually if being used for the first time. Otherwise, you may get a "not published in blockchain" error.


  • create_issuance: callable is also accepted
  • create_*: null is used as default value for missing parameters


Summary: API framework overhaul for performance and simplicity

  • "/api" with no trailing slash no longer supported as an API endpoint (use "/" or "/api/" instead)
  • We now consistently reject positional arguments with all API methods. Make sure your API calls do not use positional arguments (e.g. use {"argument1": "value1", "argument2": "value2"} instead of ["value1", "value2"])


  • new do_* methods: like create_, but also sign and broadcast the transaction. Same parameters as create_, plus optional privkey parameter.

backwards incompatible changes

  • create_*: accept only dict as parameters
  • create_bet: bet_type must be a integer (instead string)
  • create_bet: wager and counterwager args are replaced by wager_quantity and counterwager_quantity
  • create_issuance: parameter lock (boolean) removed (use LOCK in description)
  • create_issuance: parameter transfer_destination replaced by destination
  • DatabaseError: now a DatabaseError is returned immediately if the database is behind the backend, instead of after fourteen seconds


Summary: New API parsing engine added, as well as dynamic get method composition in

  • Added sql API method
  • Filter params: Added LIKE, NOT LIKE and IN